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Ametere Inga
PhysiotherapistConsultations and therapeutic exercises for adults and children from 3 years of age.
✅ In order to receive state-paid physiotherapist services 5 times, a referral from a medical specialist is required (e.g. family doctor, traumatologist, etc.).
- Professional bachelor’s degree in health care and physiotherapist qualification, Riga Stradins University, 2016
- Erasmus+ mobility in the undergraduate faculty “Physiotherapy”, Poznan University of Medical Sciences, Poland, 2015
Further education:
· Proprioreceptors, muscle receptors, structural evaluation of the patient and correction possibilities, theory and practice in stretching exercises, gait patterns, etc. (SIA Ievu Kals physio);
Diaphragm dysfunction diagnosis and correction options in the practice of a physiotherapist (Vadims Puharts);
· Emergency situations in ambulatory medical practice (væssim.lv);
· Standards and innovations of the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA);
· Kinesiological taping (basic, advanced);
· Member of the Association of Physiotherapists of Latvia;
· Conferences, courses, seminars of the Association of Latvian Physiotherapists, the Association of Occupational Therapists of Latvia and the Association of Latvian Doctors.
- Has been working at Jurmala Hospital since 2016
- Physiotherapist of the Latvian Lacrosse Women’s National Team since 2015
- patient consultations in case of orthopedic and neurological diseases, education about health promotion and prevention in everyday life;
- development of individual home exercise complex;
- exercise for children and youth groups to correct posture and gait;
- therapeutic massage;
- soft tissue techniques, development of passive movements in joints, manual therapy techniques;
- kinesiological taping.
Latvian Association of Physiotherapists